პოლიტიკოსი / politikosi / The Politician

  • ფლეერი 2
IMDB: 7.5
გამოშვების წელი:
ჟანრი: დრამა, სერიალები, კომედია

Payton Hobart (Ben Platt), from Santa Barbara, California, is a wealthy student who has wanted to be the President of the United States since he was seven years old. But first he had to get through the most dangerous political hurdle of all: Saint Sebastian High School. In order to be the President of the Student Body, study at Harvard and continue on his path to extraordinary success, Payton has to outsmart his ruthless classmates without sacrificing his moral and carefully crafted image. Ryan Murphy's 'The Politician' is full of comedy and clever satire which is giving us a rare insight into how to be a politician

ასევე გირჩევთ
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ძებნაში მყოფი მამაკაცი / A Most Wanted Man
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პატივისცემა  / pativiscema  / SAYGI
ძარცვა / Hold-up
გამარჯობა, ოქსანა სოკოლოვა! / Ну, здравствуй, Оксана Соколова!
გილოცავ ჰელოუინს, სკუბი დუ! / Happy Halloween, Scooby-Doo!
ბოლო ზღვრის მიღმა  / bolo zgvris migma  / За последней чертой
შეშლილი ტაქსი / Stuber